| Little China Girl, 2014, acrílica s/ tecido, 155 x 305 cm
| Morumbi, 2014, acrílica s/ tecido, 260 x 372 cm
| Roberto Carlos, 2014, acrílica e esmalte s/ tecido e lona, 60 x 51 cm
| Lobo, 2014, acrylic on fabric, plastic and velvet, 188 x 244 cm
| Botão II, 2014, acrylic on fabric and leather, ø 123 cm
| Botão, 2014, acrylic on fabric and leather, ø 214 cm
| Are you ready?, 2014, acrylic on fabric and leather, 95 x 80 cm
| Taboão, 2014, acrílica s/ tecido, 51 x 51 cm
| Tigre, 2014, acrílica s/ tecido e lona, 195 x 105 cm
| Xadrez com Casal, 2014, acrílica s/ tecido, 203 x 241 cm
| Vision, 2014, colagem, 72 x 90 cm
| Quatro Sóis, 2014, colagem, 72 x 90 cm
| Nó, 2014, wood and formica, 210 x 158 cm
| Samambaia, 2014, collage, 217 x 150 cm
| MG – Mulheres Gostosas, 2014, acrylic on canvas, fabric and leather, 180 x 160
| Bruna e Pedro, 2014, colagem, 204 x 150 cm